Welcome to the website of the YBMRS symposia series - the annual gathering of the magnetic resonance communities with special emphasis on young scientists.
This year, the 11th edition of this symposium series will be organized at the Sol Cress in Spa, from November 26th to 27th 2012. The 11th meeting will extend over two days, with one overnight stay, and continue the very successful new formula which includes two educational sessions, oral communications by young (at heart) scientists, 2 plenary lectures and a poster session. YBMRS awards for the best talk(s) and poster(s) will be presented.
Our two invited plenary speakers this year are Prof. Melinda Duer (Cambridge, UK) and Prof. Marina Bennati (Germany). We are delighted to announce that these speakers will also deliver the tutorial sessions on solid state NMR and dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP).
We now invite you to browse through the preliminary program, note the key dates and register for the event. Early-bird registration before October 15th entitles you to a considerable discount. Proposals for oral and poster communications can now be submitted as well.
Please bookmark this page to check for updates regularly!
The organizing committee,
Christian Damblon
Pascal de Tullio
José C. Martins